Sunday, December 4, 2022

 We made a collaboration with the Studen hub to offer unbelievable discounts up to 30%.

 We have some incredible activities such as:

Bamboo strike 🎍.

Hot springs ♨️. 

Karaoke nights 🎤.

 We have our own "Cook it yourself " section were you can try making your own ramen with any ingredients you like and with the help of our chefs. 

Scan this qr code to see some of the ingredients you could use                                                                                                                                                            👇


 We have an amazing stage waiting for you 🎤. 

Visit us on the 5th of December and try our Karaoke.

Best voice gets our most expensive sushi dish for free , no pressure 😉.

It's Sushi Sunday!!

Try our limited Dishes. California Sushi one of the best dishes you could ever try, in addition to our colorful sushi filled with mixed vegetables. 

Don't miss out! 

Friday, December 2, 2022

 Try our limited spicy ramen 🌶️.

If you manage to finish it within half an hour without any drinks you don't have to pay for it.

Test your spice limit 😏.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

 Since most of you voted for the Nigiri, we made an amazing discount just for you.

Order now for fast delivery and enjoy your meal.


What do you prefer 👀?


       What are you waiting for visit our amazing website!

        You can find anything you are looking for. 

  Check it out!



We made it easy for you, you can just scan this qr code and it will take you directly to our website.


Didn't work?


Don't worry we made it even easier just click " Tsushima sushi" on the side bar and it will take you to our website.
